Silicone Mini Classroom-Electronic Grade Vinyl Silicone Oil Market Situation and Prospects
Source:Encyclopedia + Zhihu + Modify Author:QL CHEMICAL Release time:2024-05-27 11:45 Reading times:114

Vinyl silicone oil mainly includes vinyl-terminated polydimethylsiloxane (Vi-PDMS) and vinyl-terminated polymethylvinylsiloxane (Vi-PMVS). Products with different viscosities and vinyl contents can be provided according to needs. . Vinyl silicone oil can be divided into: vinyl-terminated silicone oil and high vinyl silicone oil, which are the main raw materials for addition-type liquid silicone rubber, silicone gel, etc.; modifiers/plastic additives/reinforcement materials for compound rubber, etc.

In the rapid development of the electronics industry, in order to ensure the stability and reliability of components and complete machines, potting technology has become a key link. Through potting, electronic components and assembled components can be effectively protected from corrosion by moisture, impurities and chemical atmospheres in the atmosphere, ensuring that electronic devices can stably perform their normal electrical functions. Vinyl silicone oil came into being and became a key material for the protection and performance improvement of electronic products.
1. Guardian of electronic components

Vinyl silicone oil provides a strong protective film for electronic components and assembled parts due to its excellent performance. This protective film can effectively isolate moisture, impurities and other chemicals in the atmosphere, preventing them from causing pollution and corrosion to electronic equipment. Through the potting process, vinyl silicone oil ensures that electronic equipment can operate stably under various environmental conditions and perform its normal electrical functions.
1) Strict requirements for potting materials for electronic components
When selecting potting materials for electronic components, a series of strict requirements need to be met, including excellent electrical properties, good insulation, excellent mechanical properties, as well as high strength and good elasticity. In addition, the viscosity of the potting material should be as low as possible and the fluidity should be good to facilitate the potting operation.

2) Refining treatment and performance improvement of vinyl silicone oil
In order to ensure the electrical insulation of the potting compound, the moisture and ion content of the vinyl silicone oil must be controlled at a low level. Studies have shown that vinyl silicone oil refined with adsorbents can significantly improve the electrical properties of potting glue.
3) Selection and application of vinyl silicone oil
When selecting vinyl silicone fluid, the appropriate type is usually selected based on the needs of the specific application. Vinyl-terminated silicone oil is often selected to ensure good fluidity and mechanical properties of the potting compound due to its low viscosity. Side-chain vinyl silicone oil can provide better mechanical properties due to its denser cross-linking points, and is suitable for occasions that require higher mechanical properties.
2. Solid backing of microchips

In computer technology, telecommunications and other related fields that require microchips, vinyl silicone oil plays an irreplaceable role. It provides protection for these high-tech products from extreme temperatures and polluted environments, ensuring long-term stability and reliability of the products.
3. Source of innovation in materials science

In addition to its application in electronic product protection, vinyl silicone oil is also an important raw material for materials such as addition silicone rubber, silicone potting glue and silicone gel. By mixing with cross-linking agents, reinforcing agents, anti-aging agents, etc., high-temperature resistant vulcanized silicone rubber can be prepared, further broadening the application range of vinyl silicone oil.

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