Huangshan Qiangli Chemical Co., Ltd. Enterprise Environmental Report Final Edition
Source:Original Author:Brayan L Release time:2022-04-25 10:15 Reading times:807

The self-monitoring information and related environmental information of Huangshan Qiangli Chemical Co., Ltd. are publicly released on the website in a timely manner. The company has been included in the self-monitoring information disclosure platform of Anhui pollutant discharge units, and the company's environmental information will be announced to the society in a timely manner. According to the requirements of the "Anhui Province Enterprise Environmental Credit Evaluation Implementation Plan", the participating enterprises need to provide "Enterprise Environmental Report". The "Huangshan Qiangli Chemical Co., Ltd. Enterprise Environmental Report" is published, and its specific content is now made public. Please refer to the following attachments

Huangshan Qiangli Chemical Co., Ltd. Enterprise Environmental Report Final Edition

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